At Texas Insurance Agency, we can provide your business with top-notch Katy TX Leased Equipment Insurance for all of your rented equipment needs.
Safe & Secure Equipment Protection
Whether you’re running a construction or excavation site, your equipment is essential to completing your daily tasks. In fact, where would your business be without these extremely valuable items?

Where would your company be without your rented equipment? Secure your bottom line with our Katy TX Leased Equipment Insurance plan!
In the same way that renters go to IKEA to fill their apartment homes with furniture, construction companies have to rent out equipment to fulfill certain tasks on site. Buying so much equipment outright can hurt these businesses financially, leaving them with a little less than what they started with to continue their operations.
Because of this, contractors are constantly looking out for their bottom line.
They make sure that the costs it requires to book the use for equipment equal out to the number of times they use them.
Large-scale equipment can cost way more than the overall construction projects that companies work on, so it makes sense to seek out firms that rent out the equipment as a service.
Therefore, leasing makes everything easier. It’s feasible and cost-effective, and most of all, it simply works. Random one-off damages to these construction essentials can still happen, though. Because of this, Texas Insurance Agency offers solid protection through the Katy TX Leased Equipment Insurance plan.
At Texas Insurance Agency, we offer these financial services because we know how arduous it is for professional construction firms to manage their money around renting equipment. Therefore, our insurance plan takes the hassle out of the entire process. Just select a plan that works for you and we take care of the rest. It’s that easy!
Insurance You Can Count On
The goal for the firm is to get you the best possible insurance coverage. Bulldozers and excavators are extremely delicate equipment. Not to mention, expensive.

Tractors, bulldozers, and excavators. Our Katy TX Leased Equipment Insurance covers it all.
Breaking them in any way, intentional or not, can lead to out-of-pocket costs if you’re not insured. The safest bet to make sure this doesn’t happen is by connecting with the right insurance provider that understands the construction industry.
When searching for a decent plan, you’ll likely run into several companies that are only looking to garner your money in a quick fashion. Therefore, they’ll throw all types of coverages at you, some of which don’t even apply to your situation. This isn’t true with Texas Insurance Agency.
We practice active listening when dealing with our clients to make sure that we create a plan that fits your unique set of needs.
Therefore, our leased equipment plan will help take care of any damages or losses associated with any devices and vehicular operation systems. No longer will you have to worry about covering costs for broken materials. The plan covers these damages outright, especially in conditions where there is inclement weather.
So, if your rented heavy equipment fails to start after citywide flooding or hailstorm, your Katy TX Leased Equipment Insurance can definitely recover or replace the item.
In addition to our leased equipment insurance plan, Texas Insurance Agency also offers a variety of other plans that are suited for commercial excavation or construction businesses. These insurance plans include commercial property insurance.
Depending on your company’s specific needs, we can also make additional subsections of the plan. The subsections include worker’s compensation and business interruption coverage.
Solid Commercial Property Plans Available
Not only do you have to protect your rented equipment from any possible mishaps, but you also have to account for your company’s buildings, company cars, and other business-related items that cost a fortune to replace.

Texas Insurance Agency has a large roster of insurance plans that protect commercial businesses. Get an affordable quote with us today!
Being left without this insurance plan on your side is like being left with the short end of the stick. As such, commercial property insurance will be your saving grace in case your property is heavily destroyed by bad weather. It also protects your losses whenever your items mysteriously end up missing or outright stolen.
However, Texas Insurance Agency knows that this isn’t enough to guard your company against possible mishaps. Construction and excavation sites have an environment that is filled with a lot of hazardous equipment and sometimes certain situations that can put the workers at risk of injury or even death. That’s why our firm offers workers compensation plans.
Putting Workers First With Workers Comp
Simply put, worker’s compensation allows your workers to have a worry-free schedule all week. No longer will they have to stress out over the possibility of what might happen if they were to be injured.
That’s because worker’s compensation insurance is able to cover all the costs associated with any hospital care and rehabilitation.
The plan also considers the worst-case scenario. If a worker dies on-site, then the insurance plan covers any costs that the family might need.
In the long run, it protects your company from being sued by the employee. It also gives the team members peace of mind knowing that their injuries will be covered. With this in place, they’ll have the mindset of wanting to come back to work when they recover.
Business Interruption Plans With Texas Insurance
Like any other insurance plan in the world today, individuals and businesses rely on it in case of accidents. They also need it for unforeseen circumstances that can devastate their bottom line.
That’s why Texas Insurance Agency is proud to offer reliable business interruption insurance. This business insurance plan gives the company a safety net to fall back on. When operations have to cease for an undetermined amount of time due to a disaster, you will need coverage.
The disaster can be anything that can severely put a halt to your company’s day-to-day operations. A fire outbreak is the most common type of disaster.
When this happens, your company likely has to make plans to fix the damages. You might hire a company to come through and clear your building of the damages left by the flames. You may even consider paying reconstruction fees. With Texas Insurance Agency in your corner, we have your back during these trying times.
Equipment Protection Available In Katy, Texas
At the end of the day, you deserve a rented equipment protection plan that can suit your needs! Texas Insurance Agency can get you the best plan possible! Just call or e-mail us today to learn more about our Katy TX Leased Equipment Insurance.
Fun Facts About Katy, TX
- Katy first held its continuing annual Rice Festival in 1981.
- Katy was once known as the rice capital of the world. There is an annual rice festival every fall.
- Many events are hosted at Katy’s VFW Park, including movie nights and community campouts.
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