Your rented property is essential to keeping your business running, so keep it protected with our Pearland TX Leased Equipment Insurance plan at Texas Insurance Agency.
Protecting The Vertebrae Of Operations
Protecting the spine of the body is crucial if people want to continue moving normally. In the same vein, construction companies rely on heavy-duty equipment to keep their operations running at a steady pace.

Protecting leased equipment matters, especially if you want to maintain business operations. Our Pearland TX Leased Equipment Insurance can help!
Without the use of bulldozers and lifters, many buildings that we see in the world today probably wouldn’t exist. Or at least they would not be built in such a short amount of time.
In order to keep your business running ahead of schedule, you’ll likely need renters insurance for the equipment that you’re using.
In the same way, audio technicians rent out speakers for big concerts, construction contractors will seek out rentals for any equipment that they might need for a specific excavation or construction gig.
A Texas Insurance Agency, we take pride in understanding the intricacies of construction and manufacturing. We know the costs required for buying pavers, dump trucks, and compactors outright.
Without proper renters insurance, buying these items will seem counterintuitive because you’ll be spending more time and money maintaining upkeep and storage than you will on the actual gigs. You might not even need certain materials all the time.
That’s why having Pearland TX Leased Equipment Insurance on hand is essential. You can safely make your equipment choices, keep costs down and ensure that any damages associated with losses of these items are dealt with.
Types of Leased Equipment Insurance Available
When it comes to our leased equipment insurance coverage, there are several additions to consider when making your choice.
At Texas Insurance Agency, our company offers a variety of different options because we understand that every business is different.

We’re not like other insurance companies. Our Pearland TX Leased Equipment Insurance is based around the needs of the construction and manufacturing industry. Get a quote with our agents today!
We’re unlike other insurance companies that offer blanket insurance coverage for all company types. Instead, we sit down with you to get a full picture of what your company needs. Thereafter, we go over several affordable options that are available to you.
In the case of leased equipment types, you have the option of choosing a standard inland marine insurance policy or go with contractor’s equipment insurance. Regardless of whether you’re loaning a piece of equipment to someone or borrowing, leased equipment insurance plans help wipe away worries concerning out-of-pocket costs due to damage.
These plans are a life-saver. The last thing you want is to be stuck with accounting for damages that could have been easily avoided. Not only that, but these plans help keep your business moving forward. With these qualities in mind, there’s little need for a second thought on the matter.
There’s no limit to how many insurance plans you can have, so you can always go for both if your company requires it.
Here, we’ll look at a few details regarding contractor’s insurance and inland marine. We’ll also go over how they compare with each other and what businesses are best suited for them.
Inland Marine Policy Overview
So, you need an excavator to be at your next construction site in a few weeks. Getting it here is a whole entire beast on its own.
You have to consider shipment costs and a reliable delivery service that’s willing to transport it to you. But how will you know if it gets to you in one piece? What if you get your excavator and you notice that it has been damaged somehow on its way here? Now you have to halt operations because you received your item in an unsatisfactory condition.
In the case of equipment rental insurance, our inland marine policy subsection protect your companies losses to rented equipment. This policy is especially great for businesses who are constantly shipping large-scale construction and contracting items back and forth.
This plan has the potential to be an extension of your rental insurance coverage plan with us at Texas Insurance Agency. Having someone else property in another person’s possession opens up a door to all possible disasters and mishaps that can happen.
Therefore, it’s better to be safe than sorry with our inland marine insurance policy.
Contractors Equipment Insurance
When it comes to protecting the actual machinery itself, you’ll need coverage for that.

Our inland marine and construction equipment policy can be added to your Pearland TX Leased Equipment Insurance. Learn more about the options afforded to you by calling us today!
As we already know, it’s simply impossible to know whether or not certain mishaps will covering our bases is to have the proper insurance plan necessary to recuperate from damages.
Essentially, that’s what the contractor’s equipment insurance is. Making sure that someone else property is safe and secure from losses is certainly important. However, having your equipment accounted for matters as well.
This insurance plan is the perfect fit for protecting your construction equipment. Should any theft, vandalism, or flooding negatively impact the functionality, then the contractor’s equipment insurance can cover it. Running your business in a healthy fashion means keeping unnecessary costs at a minimum.
That’s why having this policy in your repertoire is essential, With Texas Insurance Agency. We do everything possible to understand your needs and provide the right policies to address them. Such is the case with our equipment rental insurance plans. Stacking these plans on top of each means having all of your bases covered.
Our Agents Are Waiting For Your Call
Renting out equipment is an essential part of maintaining a forward pace for your business. Our agents understand that when it all comes down to it, quality matters. We are ready to offer our services to any construction, manufacturing, and other business types who need a strong renters insurance policy. Call our offices at 281) 993-8384 to learn more about our Pearland TX Leased Equipment Insurance today!
Facts About Pearland, TX
- The city named itself after pear trees that residents grew in the area!
- Pearland is the 2nd fastest-growing city in Texas!
- Pearland residents once harvested many fruits!
- For more information about Pearland, TX, please visit the official website!