October 6, 2023

Liquor Store Insurance | Houston, TX

Having liquor store insurance Houston, TX is highly important if you serve or sell alcohol. More accidents can happen when people drink alcohol, so you don’t want an unexpected accident or lawsuit to come and take a bit at your finances. Texas Insurance Agency can help you figure out what types of liquor store insurance is the right one for your business. Don’t wait for something to happen – get started with a free quote from us today.

Liquor Store Insurance Houston, TX

If you sell alcohol, you’ll want the right liquor store insurance to protect your business. Call us to hear more.

Who needs liquor store insurance?
Liquor store insurance is important for anyone or any business that sells alcoholic drinks. It can keep you from losing money from disasters, lawsuits, etc. You’ll need it if you are:

  1. Own liquor stores: If you run a store that sells alcohol, beer, or spirits, you need insurance to protect yourself from many risks, such as theft, damage to your property, and lawsuits.
  2. Own wine shops: Like liquor stores, wine shops face risks when they sell and store wine that can be covered by liquor store insurance.
  3. Own convenience stores: If your store sells alcoholic drinks, you’ll also need liquor store insurance because a regular business policy might not cover everything.
  4. Own grocery shops: This kind of special insurance is also needed by bigger grocery shops that sell beer, wine, and other alcoholic drinks.
  5. Sell alcohol online: If you sell alcohol online, you may need liquor store insurance because you still face many of the same risks as shops that sell alcohol in person.

To sum up, anyone who sells alcoholic drinks, whether it’s their only product or one of many they offer, needs liquor store insurance to protect their business from the risks that come with it. Texas Insurance Agency can help you figure out which liquor store insurance is the right one for you and how much coverage you’ll need. When you come in, our experts will assess your business and risks to help you find the best business insurance for you.

Why Should You Get Liquor Store Insurance Houston, TX?

Insurance for liquor stores is still insurance. Like any insurance policy, it is your safety line for unexpected accidents and seemingly unreasonable lawsuits. Rather than pay any needed reparations or repairs out of your own pocket when something happens, insurance can become your buffer zone. Save your personal expenses for personal matters, and get the liquor store insurance that can keep you from tipping into the red zone.

It is very important for many reasons that liquor stores get insurance:

  • Protection from Risks: Liquor store insurance can help keep your business safe from many risks, such as damage to property, theft, staff and customer injuries, and more.
  • Alcohol Liability: If a customer hurts themselves or others after drinking alcohol you sold them, you could be held responsible as a store that sold alcohol. For the most part, liquor liability insurance can help protect you from these claims.
  • Legal Requirement: In many places, it is the law for businesses to have certain types of insurance, like liability insurance. Not having the right covering could lead to fines or other punishments.
  • Financial Stability: If something unexpected happens, like a fire, a natural accident, or a court case, insurance can help the business stay afloat by covering the costs.
  • Workers’ Compensation: If an employee gets hurt on the job, this part of your liquor store insurance will pay for their medical bills and missed wages. This can save you a lot of money that you would have had to pay out of pocket.
  • Peace of Mind: Having insurance can give you peace of mind because you know you’re ready for possible risks and your investment is safe.
Liquor Store Insurance Houston, TX

You can check out your options for Liquor Store Insurance Houston, TX when you call Texas Insurance Agency.

Remember that every liquor store is different, so it’s important to work with an experienced insurance agent to make a policy that fits your needs and risks. If you don’t, you could end up with holes in your security that could put your business at great risk.

Different Types of Insurance

Liquor store insurance is a type of business insurance that protects liquor store owners against a number of risks that come with running a business. Some of these risks are damage to property, lawsuits from the public, injuries to employees, theft, loss of business income, and mischief.

  1. General Liability Insurance: This protects you from losing money because someone says you or your workers hurt or damaged someone else.
  2. Business Property Insurance: This type of insurance protects the store itself and its belongings, like stock, tools, and fittings, in case they are lost, stolen, or destroyed.
  3. Liquor Liability Insurance: This is very important for companies that deal with alcohol because it protects them if a customer gets too drunk and hurts themselves or someone else.
  4. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: This covers medical care and some missed wages for a worker who gets hurt on the job, no matter who is at fault.
  5. Business Loss Insurance: This protects your income if your business has to close for a short time because of something out of your control, like a power outage or natural disaster.
  6. Product Liability Insurance: If the alcohol you sell hurts or damages a customer, you could be held responsible. You can avoid these kinds of lawsuits if you have product liability insurance.

The cost of liquor store insurance can vary a lot based on where the store is located, how big it is, how many workers it has, and what kinds of coverage and how much of them are chosen. Some certain risks and obligations come with selling alcohol. To protect your business legally and financially, getting comprehensive liquor shop insurance is important.

Liquor Store Insurance Houston, TX

Call us to learn more about which liquor store insurance plan is the right one for you.

Let’s Get You What You Need

Texas Insurance Agency has everything you need to protect your liquor store from falling through because of one mistake or natural disaster. Call our office today to see what type of liquor store insurance we offer. Our Houston office can ensure you that we’ll find one that fits what you’re looking for at an affordable rate. We’ll show you the liquor store insurance plans you want.

Houston, Texas Fun Facts:

  • Houston has a pretty famous food scene.
  • There are over 10,000 food options in the city.
  • The city has the most food trucks in the country, promoting “on-the-go” food culture.

Our Partners

We are pleased to partner with these companies to bring you the best coverage at the lowest rates available
