As a lawyer, you know the law better than anyone else. Still, that doesn’t prevent you from having allegations brought against you in a court of law. As a result, it’s important to always have League City TX lawyers professional liability insurance, or legal malpractice insurance, on hand. When working at a law firm or as an independent practicing lawyer, this is one of the most important insurance policies you can have on hand. At Texas Insurance, it is our job to provide policies that keep important working professionals protected.

Contact us today to learn about our League City TX lawyers professional liability insurance!
More than this, we can help you understand all of the ways you’re protected with legal malpractice insurance. Our rates at Texas Insurance are extremely affordable. As insurance holders ourselves, it wouldn’t make sense to offer our clients policies that we ourselves wouldn’t even want. If we’re looking for affordable coverage, so are you–and that is exactly what you get with Texas Insurance.
The law has many rules and regulations. No matter what type of lawyer you are, malpractice suits are fairly common. Regardless of if you are responsible or not, you know how a trial works. More than this, you know the importance of keeping yourself protected from libel/slander in every way possible.
So look nowhere else but to the experts at Texas Insurance today. If you have questions about our policies, give our team a call directly. Moreover, if you would like to learn more about League City TX lawyer’s professional liability insurance, keep reading!
What is League City TX lawyers professional liability insurance?
Lawyers’ professional liability insurance, again known as legal malpractice insurance, is the best way to keep yourself as a legal professional protected. Legal malpractice claims can really concern anything. But at the core, they surround the idea that you as a lawyer failed to adequately or properly perform your duties to your client as described by the ABA (American Bar Association) and the lawyer’s code of legal and ethical conduct.
More than this, it applies to common breaches of standard practice like misrepresentation and wrong advice. Even if what you’re being accused of has not actually happened in your eyes, clients are still well within their rights to file a lawsuit against you or your law firm. While rather unfortunate, it is best that you be safe than sorry and invest in a policy that keeps you protected against these claims.
In the field of law, there are so many things that could go wrong. More than this, there are many ways the law can be misinterpreted either by a client or another individual, including those in the legal profession. Potential risks in the field of law include:
- Misinterpretation of the law
- Bad advice/counsel
- Ineffective Counsel
- Missed deadlines that affect the client by you or your firm
As lawyers, you know the law better than anyone else; but that doesn’t mean you should go un-protected.
- Conflict of Interest
No matter what claims you’re being accused of, trust that Texas Insurance knows exactly what they’re doing and can help you out. Finally, because malpractice suits are becoming more and more common, it is best practice to have an insurance policy on file.
What kind of attorneys can use legal malpractice insurance?
No matter what area of law you work in, you can benefit from having legal malpractice insurance. While we do hope you never have to use it, sometimes things happen.
However, you will find that certain areas of law, like criminal and business law, have higher risks of malpractice suits bring brought against them. This is because the liability and risk of the client facing dire consequences are much higher than in other areas of law.
Even more common areas of law that have a higher risk of being sued are:
- Intellectual property
- Loan Modification
- Personal Injury
- Trusts and Estates
These areas of law are much higher risks, again, because they include very personal matters that can severely damage the client’s personal life. While malpractice suits are subject to severe limitations and very specific jurisdictions, it does not prevent clients from still filing suit. So, keep yourself protected with us!
Finally, another common question that feeds right into this topic is the number of clients you have. As you know, there are small and large law firms. As a result, some law firms will have a considerable amount of more clients than others. However, the amount of clients you have does not affect your loan coverage considering the loan is made to protect a singular attorney or multiple attorneys at a firm.
So, a better judgment of numbers would be to consider how many attorneys you have. Still, the central idea surrounding coverage is the area of law you work in.
Why do I need malpractice insurance?
Although the legal field has high restrictions and regulations, it doesn’t dismiss a clear misuse of standards and expectations set in stone by those before. Moreover, all attorneys are expected to practice law for the betterment of the client. Sometimes you are not at fault, but in many cases, you are, even if it is unknowingly.

Save big by speaking with our agents today!
Any client has the right to hold you accountable if they feel as if you have failed to meet their standards or your own as an attorney. So, you need legal malpractice insrunace to protect yourself as a lawyer.
If you have a suit filed against you and you lose, without League City TX lawyers professional liability insurance on hand, you will be responsible for paying the associated fees all on your own.
Furthermore, as a lawyer, you know that even small claims, even those that have no basis take up lots of time and money on your end. Having a policy on hand will protect you in every way possible. It is good standard practice to remain aware of the potential allegations you might face as a lawyer.
Call Texas Insurance today!
Your job is hard enough, and you won’t want to make it any harder by adding a lawsuit against yourself to the plate. Let Texas Insurance Agency be your eyes and ears out in the courtroom. To schedule an appointment with us, give our team a call today at 281-398-1010. From there, we can match you with a team member that knows your needs exactly.
It is your job to protect your clients, but it is our job to protect you. So let us get started today by providing you with the absolute best League City TX lawyers professional liability insurance.
Fun Facts about League City TX:
- This is the only community in the area with a revenue stream specifically dedicated to amateur athletics.
- The third-largest boating anchorage in the United States
- League City is home to Big League Dreams Sports Park
- For more information, please visit our official website.