Owning a small business comes with its own daunting tasks, but having any type of legal formality brought against you can make it so much harder; protect your business by using Pearland TX workers comp insurance for small business.
Texas Insurance agency has partnered with over 10 different insurance providers to ensure that you get the variety you deserve. As customers of an insurance agency ourselves, we look for the same great rates and deals you’re looking for from us. So, why wouldn’t we provide you with the same things we’re looking for?

Texas Insurance Agency can get you the best Pearland TX workers comp insurance for small business!
Our extensive line of providers even includes some of the nation’s top providers like Progressive. So, with us, you can trust that you only receive the best possible service no matter what. We’ve been in business for years, and since our state, we’ve made sure to actively listen to our customer’s needs and wants and make the appropriate changes. Without the loyalty of our customers, our business would not be the success that it is today.
Understanding the ins and outs of insurance policies can be hard with all of the fancy jargon that is used. At Texas insurance, we make sure that all of our plans are easy to understand so that you, our customers, are not left in the dust behind us. You can schedule an appointment to meet with any of our agents and discuss the policies we offer.
What is Pearland TX workers comp insurance for small business?
No matter what kind of business you own, you are at risk for a worker’s compensation-related incident. These incidents can be anything from a slip on a puddle to something falling out of the air and knocking an employee out. In any event, they are well within their rights to sue you for this incident. This is where workers’ compensation comes in.
At the core, it will help alleviate financial responsibility on you and your business’s end. More than this, it helps pay for the attorney fees on your end. All it takes is one small incident to become more cataclysmic than you thought possible. With our worker’s compensation policy, you can remain protected at all times.
More than mentioned workers compensation provides coverage for:
- Missed Wages: If your employee is injured on the job and has to miss work. As a result, your worker’s compensation policy will help cover the costs of the work they missed. If you do not have a policy on hand, you may be held responsible for paying them back yourself.
- Medical Expenses: If your employee ends up hospitalized as a result of an at-work injury, again, your policy comes into effect here to help pay for their medical expenses.
- Vocational Rehabilitation: In extreme cases, your employee may need rehabilitation. If this is the case, you could be held responsible for helping them pay for the costs. Your worker’s compensation policy will pay for this too.
- Death Benefits: Last, and finally least of all, is death benefits. We hope this is never the case for you and your employee, but sometimes it is. If an employee dies as a result of a workplace accident, your policy can help the family cover the costs of the funeral and other expenses surrounding the death.
No matter how your employee is injured, it is more than important for your business to have a way to help cover their expenses. This will not only help them but protect you in a lawsuit case.

There’s no need to break the bank with Texas Insurance at your side.
We highly recommend you have this policy on hand, but not all states, like Texas, actually require it. Some states allow for the companies to make the decision themselves. However, if your employee is injured, in most cases, you are held fully responsible.
It’s the Law!
Companies that opt into a policy or are forced to carry the policy can benefit from using Texas Insurance agencies workers comp policy. Every state will come with its own rule and regulations surrounding this. What this means is that every state can freely decide if they want to force workers comp, and if they do, m=how much the premiums will start at.
In states where injuries are more likely due to the work they do, the premiums usually end up being much high to account for this. But since Texas does not do forced workers comp, the policy will vary depending on the liability your own individual business poses to customers and employees.
So, a higher-risk business will hold a higher premium, while a lower-risk business will do the opposite. In any event, you can call us directly to ask questions about your premiums, and we would be more than happy to help. Don’t choose to opt out of this policy. It could come back to bite your business in the butt. More than this, you could look at hefty legal fees and a lawsuit with penalties if your employee sues you.
What injuries are covered by my policy?
Not every type of worker’s compensation-related injury is treated the same. As a result, there is a line that cannot be crossed to claim a worker’s compensation suit. Most often, workers comp will cover any work-related injury that occurs on the worksite premises and actively results in an injury. More than this, if the accident was found to be non-intentional, did not happen in a fight, and is not emotionally traumatic, your employee can be covered.
Worker’s compensation will cover you if you are sued for:
- Gross Negligence
- Malicious Intent
- Discrimination
- Failure to promote
- Wrongful termination
So, protect your business today by enacting a workers compensation policy. You should want to keep yourself and your employees protected from accidents. And you can do this by getting in touch with us today! If you have any questions about your Pearland TX workers comp insurance for small business policy, call us now!

Contact Texas Insurance Agency today!
Book an Appointment
If you are ready to protect your company, give our team a call today at 281-398-1010. From there, our team members can schedule an appointment for you. Moreover, you can ask them any question you might have about the policies we offer.
You always have the option to keep your business protected. So take it today and learn why we’re the best insurance agency around. We’ll match you with a company that meets your budget and needs. Remember that we always offer Pearland TX workers comp insurance for small business.
Pearland TX Fun Facts:
- Pearland stretches across 3 counties
- It is the second-fastest-growing city in Texas
- There are two airports in Pearland
- Downtown Houston is only a short drive away from Pearland
- For more fun facts about Pearland Tx, visit our official website!