Are you in need of Pearland TX small business liability insurance? Your friendly and experienced local insurance agents at Texas Insurance Agency are here to help! We are here to assist you as you navigate your options and decide which policies are best for you and your small business. Call our Pearland office at (281) 993-8384 for more information about scheduling.
Pearland TX Small Business Liability Insurance
At Texas Insurance Agency, we offer two different forms of Pearland TX small business liability insurance, commercial general liability insurance and commercial umbrella insurance. We highly recommend considering your second option if you have company-owned vehicles or more than one location.
With any business size or model, you need liability insurance. Both of your options help protect you from lawsuits and claims related to personal injury, liquor law, on-site accidents, damage to company-owned vehicles, theft, and contracts. The main difference between the two options is the extent of financial coverage. Call our agents for more information about policy details.
5 Common Liabilities
In 2015, Insurance Journal published an article about common and costly liabilities many small businesses across America face. Here are 5 of those liabilities and what they can potentially cost you as a small business owner:

Pearland TX small business liability insurance can help you avoid these massive costs!
- Property or Product Damage or Loss Due To Burglary or Theft: These kinds of claims can cost businesses $8000 or more.
- On-Site Injury to Customer: medical and legal fees can cost a business $30,000 or more.
- Product Liability: these cases involve defective products that cause injury or sickness and can cost businesses upwards of $35,000
- Vehicle Accident: this may involve damage to vehicles, people, or both and cost businesses approximately $45,000.
- Reputational Harm: this is the worst of the 5 damages because serious reputational harm can drastically change or limit a customer base or even make a business close its doors. It is estimated reputational harm can cost a business up to $50,000.
Other Policies You Should Consider
If your business involves the writing of or signing of contracts, you should consider errors and omissions liability insurance. This helps protect your business from problems that may arise from errors in contracts or other related paperwork.
Do you have one or more company-owned vehicles? Commercial auto insurance can protect your cars, trucks, or vans. This is particularly important when considering what a vehicle-related accident can cost you and your small business.
Does your business involve tools and equipment that are left at worksites? Commercial renters insurance helps protect you and your small business if any of these items are stolen.
And most importantly, works compensation can help protect your business if an employee is hurt or contracts an illness on-site. This helps cover costs such as medical expenses, legal expenses, and lost wages.
Invest In Flood Insurance
Our liability insurance policies do not cover weather-related damage. To protect your business during hurricane season, hail, wind damage, you need to invest in flood insurance.
There are 4 main types of flood damage your small business could face:

Floods, wind, and hail can cause massive amounts of costly property damage to your business.
- Structural damage impacts your foundation, flooring, walls, and roofing.
- Electrical damage impacts the wiring in your building for lighting, power distribution, wall-mounted telephones, internet, and thermostat or ventilation system controls.
- Appliance damage impacts your building’s heating, cooling, and ventilation systems, as well as refrigerators, water heaters, ovens, stoves, and more.
- Mold and mildew can damage the building materials and structures of your building as well as clothing and furniture.
To help protect your building, equipment, products, and other investments, you need to invest in flood insurance. With the massive damage caused by Hurricane Harvey still fresh in the minds of many Pearland residents, you should consider adding a flood insurance policy to your Pearland TX small business liability insurance.
The National Flood Insurance Program
One of the most popular flood insurance policies in the nation is the National Flood Insurance Program or the NFIP. This program is run by FEMA, also known as The Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA has been working with insurance agencies across the US to provide quality flood insurance to home and business owners since 1968.
The NFIP covers up to $500,000 of commercial building property damage and up to $500,000 of personal property damage.
While it is one of our most popular policy options, it is important to understand what it does and does not cover. It is important to note that the NFIP does not cover these types of damage:
- Most damage caused by moisture, mildew, or mold
- Damage or flooding caused by sewer or drain backup unless caused by a nearby flood
- Outdoor property damage or damage to structures such as decks, walkways, patios, fences, swimming pools, and septic systems
- Vehicle damage
- Some structural damage including carpeting, drywall, and installed items such as paneling, bookcases, shelving
- Personal property such as electronic equipment, kitchen supplies, and furniture
- Some appliance damage including damage to refrigerators and the food in them
Our Friendly Local Agents
Our Owner-Agents at Texas Insurance Agency are Roland Cardner and Jeffery Fogleman.
Cardner started out as a middle school science teacher and served as the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction at the middle school level.

From left to right: Jeffery Fogleman, Kristy Thompson, and Roland Cardner.
In 1997 he switched career paths and began his 10 years with the Allstate Insurance Company. After deciding to further his education, Cardner sold his Allstate agency in 2007. In 2009 he earned his Managing General Agent License and began his new insurance career as an Owner-Agent at Texas Insurance Agency.
Fogleman started out in the insurance business under his father within the Farmers Insurance Group. He was so successful during his first 4 years that in 1998 Allstate approached him about opening his own agency. Fogleman pursued the opportunity until 2004 when he decided to pursue a career as an independent insurance agent.
Cardner and Fogleman have almost 50 years of combined experience in the insurance field. These friendly local agents are the agents to trust with insuring your small business.
Contact Us
Call our Pearland office at (281) 993-8384 for more information about the policy options we have available to help you protect your small business. Ask about our Pearland TX small business liability insurance today!
Pearland TX Fun Facts
- Previously named Mark Belt, Pearland TX is home to two airports.
- During 1934, Oil was discovered in Pearland.
- In 1900 and 1915, major hurricanes wiped away many of the beloved pear trees.
- For further information about Pearland TX, look here!