As a lawyer, you know the law better than anyone else; so, protect yourself with Pearland TX lawyers professional liability insurance! Even though it is your job to serve and protect your clients under the statutes of the law, this still doesn’t prevent you from having allegations brought against yourself or your firm.
As a result, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Texas Insurance agency is a company that has spent years protecting our clients too. Though we never dispute resolutions in a courtroom, we do help our clients spend their money on a valuable asset, insurance.

Let us lift the burden off your workload with Pearland TX lawyers professional liability insurance!
When working at a law firm as part of a team or as an individual practicing lawyer, having liability insurance on hand can save you from sitting at the hot seat in a courtroom. More than this, it lifts plenty of financial burden off of your chest, so all you have to worry about is defending the law. At Texas Insurance, it is our job to keep all working professionals protected from the monetary costs associated with a lawsuit.
How we can help!
More than this, we always help you understand the ways you’re protected with Pearland TX lawyers professional liability insurance. As insurance holders ourselves, we also understand that insrunace can be expensive. But, if we are looking for policies that are affordable, why wouldn’t we offer the same to you?
There are so many rules and regulations with the law, and no matter what type of lawyer you are, it doesn’t prevent you from having a malpractice suit brought against you. Regardless of whether you believe you’re actually responsible or not, you know very well that your client has the rights to do what they need. You know how trials work; the innocent are sometimes put on the hot seat. So, you very well know the importance of keeping yourself protected.
Overall, there is no better insurance agency to choose from than Texas Insurance. If you have any policy questions for us, give our team a call directly. But if you would like to learn more about lawyers professional liability insurance, keep reading!
What is Pearland TX lawyers professional liability insurance?
Lawyer’s professional liability insurance is also commonly referred to as legal malpractice insurance. At the core, it is the best way to keep yourself as a legal professional protected. Malpractice claims can arise from anywhere and can be about anything. Overall, they concern the idea that you, as a lawyer, failed to do your job effectively in the eyes of your client. More than this, you may have failed to perform your duties as described by the ABA (American Bar Association) or just the legal code in general.
Furthermore, any legal liability suit applies to any standard breaches of practice that you may have performed. This can include things like misrepresentation of a client or wrongful advice that leads a client to make a decision not in their best interest. No matter what you’re accused of, whether true or not, you know that your client reserves the right to hold you accountable. They can file a suit against you individually or your law firm as a whole.

As lawyers, it’s important to have a plan in place that always keeps you protected.
Though lawsuits are unfortunate, at Texas Insurance, we advise that you are safe rather than sorry. Therefore, you should invest in a policy that has your back against any claims.
There are so many things that can go wrong in this field. Moreover, there are many ways the law is often interpreted or misinterpreted. This can easily harm your clients or another individual.
The stakes are high in this profession, and potential risks can include but are not limited to:
- Misinterpretation of the law by defending counsel
- Bad advice/counsel by the leading attorney
- Ineffective counsel
- Missing deadlines that affect your client or the law firm as a whole
Overall, no matter which of the above you’re being accused of, you can trust that the agents at Texas Insurance know exactly what they’re doing too. With malpractice suits becoming fairly common today. The best practice is to have a policy on hand that will protect you.
What does legal malpractice insurance cover?
With the law, you know there are clear and defined limits to policy coverage. At its heart, the coverage will protect you or your firm from things like errors and omissions (claims that you or your firm have made a mistake in providing professional services). Also, the policies cover your firm and any attorneys working in the firm too.
Additionally, this policy covers the costs that come with the lawsuit, as well as damages and any settlements. As an added bonus, some policies actually provide you with legal defense of your own if there is a large suit involved.
However, it is best to note that claims which come from criminal or malicious acts are not covered by malpractice insurance. These are cases that often end up in higher courts, and they are beyond our control as an insurance agency to cover the costs of the case. Furthermore, if more than one lawyer at your firm is alleged to be involved in any acts, these policies cannot cover both of you.

Save big by speaking with our agents today!
This is why it is always best to know how you’re covered. You may know the law better than anyone else, but you aren’t perfect. That is where we come in to help.
Finally, it is good to note that malpractice policies only provide coverage for your firm in legal matters. Meaning practicing attorneys are covered only. Any management type position is not covered in this policy as they fall into a completely different category.
Contact Texas Insurance
Our agents here at Texas Insurance know exactly how to help you best. Understand insurance doesn’t have to be difficult when you partner with our team. More than this, as a lawyer, you will handle a lot. This is something we can take off your plate. Let us help you today. Give our team a call at 281-398-1010, and from there, our representatives can match you with agents that fit your needs best.
If you want the absolute best coverage, look to our Pearland TX lawyers professional liability insurance policy to provide it.
Pearland TX Fun Facts:
- Pearland stretches across 3 counties
- It is the second-fastest-growing city in Texas
- There are two airports in Pearland
- Downtown Houston is only a short drive away from Pearland
- For more fun facts about Pearland Tx, visit our official website.