If you’ve just hired people for a new construction job, you will benefit from having a Pearland TX builders risk insurance for homeowner policy on hand. Texas Insurance is a business that truly cares for your needs. Seeing as we have been in business for over twenty years, there’s no surprise that we have been noted to offer the absolute best customer service around. Truly, our customers are what make our business great. Without them, there’s no way we would still be here today without you.
Most notably, we have partnered with over 10 insurance companies popular with our customers. Therefore, we’re able to provide you with the most comprehensive insurance coverage around. Every construction project is different, but with Texas Insurance Agency, we can make sure you’re covered in all the ways you want to be.

Looking for an independent insurance agency? Texas Insurance Agency is the best!
As individuals ourselves, we need insurance too. More than this, we look for affordable policies that don’t cheap out on quality. So, if we’re looking for this ourselves, why wouldn’t we seek to provide the same thing for our l9yal customers?
Choose Texas Insurance!
There are no strings, gimmicks, or surprises with us around. As a result, we make sure we lay everything out on the line for you. From insurance quotes to policy coverage, you will leave our business with a policy in hand that you love. We take the time to get to know you and your companies needs. So, we are better able to provide you with a policy that meets them.
Insurance is hard to understand. Many companies purposefully use lingo and jargon that customers don’t understand to catch you in a bind. This is how so many customers end up stuck in a policy they cant understand. However, the opposite is true with our team. As brokers, it is our job to simplify the policy for you so that you know how you’re covered. We can talk different avenues that might help keep you as covered as possible. So you can see why it’s so much better to partner with us than anyone else.
Visit one of our locations near you today to learn more about our Pearland TX builders risk insurance for homeowner policy. Or give us a call. Either way, we are more than happy to help you receive the coverage you deserve!
What is Pearland TX builders risk insurance for homeowner?
When you’re having a beautiful new home built for you, there are lots of moving parts that come with it. Consequently, there are also many accidents and incidents that can occur. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep your business protected at all times.
Many customers actually think that your job site workers will provide insurance for you. While this is true in some instances, it is not true in all. Moreover, having your own policy on hand actually allows you to determine the amount of coverage that you want. You should keep your home as covered as possible, and home insurance can help you do just that.
What does a builders risk policy cover?

See how a Pearland TX builders risk insurance for homeowner policy can protect you and your home!
Builder’s risk policies are important to have. Specifically, it is a type of insurance plan that will cover things like theft, vandalism, and damage to worker’s property and tools while they are at your home’s site. However, this policy is different from a liability insurance coverage plan where your belongings and your home are specifically covered.
This means that if anything of your is stolen from your property at any time, builders coverage does not protect this. Instead, you will need to shop around for a liability coverage plan.
Overall, your builder’s policy can work however you want it to. Generally, the policy will start out covering you for 9-12 months. But you can extend the coverage based on your needs. Projects may extend beyond their planned end date, and this plan will take that into account. You can change your plan around to meet the project’s needs.
Do I need a builders risk policy?
Yes, you generally do need a builders risk policy on hand if your contractors do not provide one. However, you do not need this policy if you do not own the property that is having construction done. In most cases, the workers are required to have the policy on hand, but many actually view this as your responsibility.
Of course, properties that are rented will not need to utilize this because you normally do not mess with the house and leave it as is.
To find out if you need to purchase coverage, contact your contractors directly. From there, they’ll inform you of the coverage they have on hand if any. Then you’ll be able to meet with us to select a plan that best fits your needs.
Do I need a homeowners policy to use builders risk?
YES! Every home owner should have a basic liability coverage policy on hand to ensure that your property is covered. Liability coverage protects your home and its belongings, while builders insurance protects the workers. However, having both policies is the best way to keep yourself protected on all ends and fronts.
In any event, it is always better to be safe than sorry. We can help you get the coverage you need, want, and deserve. To speak with any one of our agents today to get matched with an agency and policy that best meets your needs as a homeowner.
Contact our team!

Have no fear! Mallory, your insurance agent, is here!
Overall, our agents pride themselves on providing you with affordable policies and plans. Moreover, we can speak to you and get to know your company as a whole. Having the right coverage on hand is key to preventing any loss of assets.
Give our team a call today at 281-398-1010. From there, we’ll match you with an agency that cares just as much as you do and can check off every box on your list.
From the first visit, you’ll see why we are so different from everyone else. Our customers are at the heart of our business. So meet with us today and find a Pearland TX builders risk insurance for homeowner policy that best fits your needs.
Pearland TX Fun Facts:
- Houston is one of the busiest port cities in the nation.
- The Texas Medical Center is the largest in the world.
- In the late-1830s, Houston was the capital of Texas.
- Houston has an underground tunnel system.
- For more information about Houston, TX, visit the city’s website.