Do you want to find League City TX commercial auto insurance? You can get help from Texas Insurance Agency. Our team work every day to help our clients. That way, you know we work for you. Don’t worry; we don’t work for the big insurance companies. Lucky for you, we have over 40 years of experience. We handle a lot of different insurance. Our advice covers many areas. These areas could be your insurance, or business insurance. Also, it can be your home and auto. For any inquiries on insurance, be sure to get a free quote on our website.
League City TX commercial auto insurance
At our offices, we work around the clock to help you: the client. Through our partnerships with local insurance firms, we act as a broker to help out. Over the years, we’ve made sure to help our customers. And we can take of our corporate relationships. That way, you can be sure you’ll get the first-rate help you need. From working with auto providers to firms like Progressive, you won’t regret having us to help you. When it comes to your needs, we do right by you. Furthermore, you can be sure to get the best prices. Also, you get competitive rates.
What is commercial auto insurance?
Commercial auto insurance is insurance for your cars. That said, it’s insurance for a business that uses cars; these cars are for company business. Henceforth, what comes to mind is a delivery service or restaurant. Those type of places employs drivers all the time. Moreover, you could think of a cab company as well. Also, this type of insurance offers liability protection. This liability would be for your vehicles. Those vehicles could be cars, trucks, or vans. However, commercial vehicles require a separate policy. The reason for that is because they have more risk than personal vehicles. For example, delivery cars are more prone to accidents since they’re on the road a lot.

At Texas Insurance, we can help with your commercial auto insurance!
It’s crucial to realize this insurance isn’t just for trucks. It can be for any vehicle on business errands. Moreover, there are plenty of people who need this insurance. That goes from electricians to plumbers. It can also be for caterers and carpenters. However, if you drive for Uber or Lyft, you’ll need rideshare insurance. If you don’t get this insurance for your company, you invite risk. This risk could be limited coverage. Moreover, it can also mean paying out of pocket. Your money could be for any injuries or repairs. Also, you could lose your personal auto coverage if you don’t have this insurance.
Benefits of commercial auto insurance
There are a ton of benefits to your League City TX commercial insurance. Firstly, you can get coverage for your car. That’s useful if there’s damage to it. Also, you get coverage for driver injury. Injury to someone else is also a part of it. Also, the insurance takes care of damage to someone else’s property. In effect, this insurance protects against many bad things that can happen.
Moreover, there are certain vehicles this insurance does protect. You can add coverage for regular cars, trucks, and pickup trucks. You can also add box trucks and vans to the list. Anyone that drives company vans or service utility trucks will get help, too.

We can make sure you drive with the right coverage!
Inside commercial auto insurance, there are levels of coverage. One is a bodily liability. That coverage helps with any bodily injury. The other is collision coverage. This type of coverage helps when there’s a collision. This applies when you hit a car, or you get hit. Also, you can also get help with medical costs. That could come from an accident. That helps because it won’t matter who was at fault. Also, you can get coverage for property damage. That applies when you damage someone else’s property. Another avenue of help would be comprehensive physical damage coverage. That can help when there’s damage to the car. In that case, it can be due to theft, vandalism, or other perils.
In addition, there are additions that businesses can make to coverage. One addition would be roadside assistance. That would be a situation where you have a flat tire. It can also be when you’re locked out of the car. Also, your car battery might die. Roadside assistance would be very helpful in that regard. Additionally, businesses can add expanded towing and rental reimbursement. Expanded towing takes care of any towing issues. Rental reimbursement is for when you have to use a new car after your old one gets damaged. In total, there are a wide variety of additions businesses can use to help their commercial auto coverage.
Differences between Personal and Commercial Auto Insurance
When it comes to your personal use, it’s different from commercial auto. Your personal insurance is just for your own vehicle. Commercial auto is for a lot of vehicles. In addition, the liability coverage limits are higher since it’s a business. Commercial auto insurance also gets tax benefits. That’s something that personal auto insurance does not have. There’s also coverage for employees and equipment like trailers.
What Commercial Auto Insurance Does Not Cover
For one thing, commercial auto does not cover workmen’s compensation. Commercial auto insurance only deals with the use of the vehicle for work. This insurance does not cover incidents at the workplace. So, automatically, that excludes any issues or problems in the office. Moreover, that can include certain types of injuries employees get as well. Your League City TX commercial auto insurance also doesn’t cover any personal use of any car.

We will get you the best League City TX commercial auto insurance!
Texas Insurance Agency is here for you!
When you need an insurance quote, feel free to call us. Our hours are from 8 am to 5 pm every day. This is from Monday to Friday. However, for the weekends, you can make an appointment since we close at that time. We have offices in Katy and Pearland. You can always feel free to visit us when you can. We’re here to help you. For your League City TX commercial auto insurance, you’ll get the best help you could ask for!
Fun Facts about League City, TX
- League City is a waterfront community along Clear Lake.
- The city began as a settlement for Karankawa Indians.
- The city is one of the safest and affordable places in Texas.
- Ellington Field Airport is the main airport.
- To learn more about League City, check out the city website.