Are you seeking the best Houston, TX garage liability insurance companies for your business shop? Texas Insurance Agency is here for you! Our independent insurance agency works to provide our clients with the best service and best coverage at the very best prices.

Look to Texas Insurance Agency if you are seeking Houston, TX garage liability insurance companies.
Our agency has been serving the Greater Houston Area for over two decades. We have a talented team of insurance agents ready and eager to connect you to the best insurance plans for your business needs.
Garage liability insurance can benefit you if you own a car dealership, parking lots or garages, service stations, auto mechanic shop, or tow-truck operation. Additionally, it will protect your business from property damage and bodily injury resulting from operations.
Because Texas Insurance Agency is an independent agency, our priority is always our clients. We are not bound to any other insurance company. Therefore, we can work on getting our clients the most comprehensive insurance policies available on the market.
See if garage liability insurance is right for you. Call us today. Or, you can fill out our online form to request a FREE quote. We hope to hear from you soon.
Why To Seek Houston, TX Garage Liability Insurance Companies
It is crucial for businesses in the automotive industry to get the right insurance. The most important reason is to protect the business from liability in the event that something goes wrong.
For example, if a customer at your car repair shop is injured on-site or if their car is damaged, your shop could be held liable. However, insurance will help cover the costs of any damages or injuries.
Another reason to get insurance is to protect the business’s equipment and property. Thieves love to steal cars or break into cars to steal items inside of cars. Suppose a theft or other incident happened to a vehicle under your company’s care. In that case, an insurance policy like garage-keepers coverage could help to cover the cost of replacing the lost or damaged items.
Overall, getting insurance is a smart way to protect automotive businesses from any potential risks. It can help to cover the costs of damages or injuries, and it can also help to replace lost or damaged property.
What is Garage Liability Insurance?
Now that you understand the importance of insurance, it is time to examine garage liability insurance in more depth.

Insurance can help protect your automotive business.
Garage liability insurance is a kind of insurance policy that helps protect businesses that offer car repair, parking, or storage services from financial losses that could result from claims of bodily injury or property damage. It adds a layer of protection to an automotive business’ general liability policy.
Garage liability insurance can help cover the costs of legal defense and settlements, as well as any damages that are awarded by a court. This policy will cover customers injured on the automotive business’ grounds.
However, garage liability insurance will not cover the policyholder’s tools, building, and property. It also does not cover vandalism, stolen vehicles, or damage from natural events such as flooding.
Typically, most garage insurance will include an employee dishonesty provision. This means that if one of your employees decides to vandalize or steal a customer’s car, the rest of your business won’t have to suffer for it.
Garage liability insurance is different from garage-keepers coverage. Garage-keepers coverage is insurance that protects a business that provides parking services for vehicles. This type of coverage can reimburse the company for damages to vehicles that are in its care, custody, and control. For example, if you are concerned about damaging your customers’ cars during test drives, garage-keepers coverage is the policy you want.
It can be challenging to understand whether you need garage liability insurance, garage-keepers coverage, or both. Luckily, Texas Insurance Agencies is here to answer any questions about insurance you may have.
Other Types of Insurance For Your Business
Garage liability insurance is rarely the only type of insurance automotive business owners purchase. For those who are looking for Houston, TX garage liability insurance companies, you might also be interested in these policies:
- Professional liability coverage: This is also called errors and omissions insurance. This policy protects individuals and companies from being held liable for damages caused by their professional services. This type of insurance is critical for anyone who provides a service to others, as it can help cover the cost of legal fees and settlements if a client sues for damages.
- Business interruption insurance: This policy can help protect your business from the financial losses that can occur if your business is forced to close or suspend operations due to a covered event, such as flooding. This type of insurance can help cover lost income, expenses such as continued rent or mortgage payments, and other financial losses that can occur as a result of your business being interrupted.
Workers’ compensation insurance: This policy provides benefits to employees who are injured due to their job. These benefits can include income replacement, medical expenses, and death benefits. In Texas, workers’ comp insurance is not mandatory for businesses. However, it is still worth purchasing to help cover the costs of an injured employee.
Many factors will influence what kind of insurance you need, including the type of business you run, the location of your business, and how much risk you are willing to undertake. Texas Insurance Agency can help you identify the perfect policies for your business.
Agencies vs. Companies: Does It Matter?

Texas Insurance Agency can assist you with all your insurance needs.
You might wonder what the difference between an insurance agency and an insurance company is. Although they may sound the same, they are actually vastly different.
Insurance companies are the entities that create the insurance policies themselves. They pay the claims and carry the risks associated with the policies they write. Insurance companies include Progressive, GEICO, and State Farm.
Insurance agencies are companies authorized by insurance carriers to sell the insurer’s products. Agencies may sell one company’s products or several. Unlike insurance companies, which can only offer their own products, agencies can pick and compare policies from different companies.
Another benefit of choosing an agency over a company is that agencies can give you personalized attention. Our staff at Texas Insurance Agency will pay attention to your needs to select only the best coverage for you. So, if you are looking for Houston, TX garage liability insurance companies, come to our agency.
Fun Facts About Houston, TX:
- Houston’s George Bush International Airport is one of the busiest in the world.
- The Addicks and Barker Reservoirs are designed for flood control.
- Houston is the most metropolitan city in the United States.
- For more fun facts about Houston, visit their website!