Are you searching for a Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance policy? If so, consider contacting Texas Insurance Agency. We have the expertise you need by your side while searching for commercial insurance policies.
Furthermore, we work with only the best of the best in the insurance industry. This way, you know that your business is in good hands when hard times come about.
Texas Insurance Agency has been serving the Greater Houston community since 1999. In that time, we have helped thousands of clients find the right insurance policy.
Our team is invested in protecting your business from the unexpected. This includes anything from fire to vandalism to client property damage. No matter what your needs are, Texas Insurance Agency will work hard to find you the right policy.

Business is risky! Protect your company with Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance!
What is a Commercial Liability Policy, and What Does it Cover?
Whether yours is a small or large business, it does not matter. The risk of doing business remains the same across the board. Most companies will take the time to purchase insurance coverage that includes employee injury or damage to their business. However, a commercial liability policy helps cover financial aspects of claims that come from third parties or clients.
Although the foundation of commercial liability coverage will remain the same, some portions of it will vary according to the size, industry, and net worth of a company. For instance, if you own a small transportation company that hauls volatile chemicals, your commercial liability policy will look different in comparison to the type of insurance that a large company like Disney has.
Nevertheless, Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance policies hold to the same mission: protect your business when it is liable for damage or injuries of a third party. During these situations, you will need insurance to help cover the costs of settlement, court and attorney fees, and medical expenses. Here are a few examples of expense that commercial liability policies cover:
- Injury or medical expenses
- Property damage
- Advertising and reputational claims
- Copyright infringement
Your situation must meet certain qualifications in order for a claim to be approved. Keep reading this article to find out more about the conditions and exclusions you will find in your Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance policy.
Injury or Medical Expenses
If a client slips and falls due to negligence on the part of your employees, your company will likely be held responsible. Similarly, if employee misconduct causes injury, the responsibility falls on you. The fact is that accidents and mistakes happen. As a result, it is ideal for businesses of all sizes to maintain a commercial liability policy.
When an unexpected client injury happens, your commercial liability policy will cover the medical expenses associated with that injury. Moreover, should that client be dissatisfied with the compensation amount, your insurance will likely negotiate a settlement on your behalf. When the injury results in a court trial, your policy will cover most costs associated with an attorney and court fees.
Property Damage
If you own a business that conducts services at a customer’s home, then the property coverage that commercial liability insurance provides will come in handy. Not only is this policy important to have, but it also shows customers that you are taking extra steps to run your business the right way.
Imagine you are a construction worker who is working with a team on the roof of a client’s home. Your foot brushes up against the ladder, and it crashes down through the window of the home. You will be responsible for damages caused by the ladder. This is just one example of where commercial liability insurance will come into play.
Advertising and Reputational Claims
If you are a business owner, chances are you know who your main competitors are in the industry. Additionally, you may have at some point found yourself and your business at odds with those companies.
Has this ever caused you to slip up when speaking to the press? Have you advertised negative opinions about a competitor’s products or business conduct?
If so, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit. In the legal world, doing this is known as defamation of character or slander. Believe it or not, your words could negatively impact your competitor’s business; it could cause reputational harm. As a result, you could be held liable for your words.
Slandering or defaming a company is an unprofessional action. When you slip up, expect legal ramifications. And have your general liability policy ready to go.
This type of policy will help with the court and attorney fees and a monetary settlement for the suing party. Avoiding advertising injury is essential to maintaining your company’s good reputation.

Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance
Copyright Infringement
A copyright refers to the legal claim to ownership someone has over their intellectual property. Additionally, it gives them the power to take legal action against anyone who steals their work.
For instance, if you write, publish, and copyright a book you wrote, and someone uses it in their college paper, this could be considered copyright infringement. Without properly citing someone else’s work, you are plagiarizing.
It is essential to ensure you obtain permission for pictures, phrases, and other intellectual property in the business world prior to using it for your own agenda. Failing to do so will result in legal ramifications that could be devastating to your business.
Who Needs Commercial General Liability Insurance?
Commercial liability insurance is useful to anyone who owns a business. This type of policy covers any injury or damage your business causes to a third party. Whether that third party is a client or competitor in the industry, your professional liability insurance will help cover the legal costs associated with the injury or damage.
Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance

Call Texas Insurance Agency today for a Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance quote!
For more information about Texas Insurance Agency, visit our website! There, you will also find links to our blog, locations, and you can request an insurance quote. Call Texas Insurance Agency when you need Houston TX Commercial Liability Insurance services.
Houston, TX Fun Facts:
- Downtown Houston has an underground tunnel system.
- There are ten thousand bars, food trucks, and restaurants in Houston.
- Every year, hundreds of events are hosted within Greater Houston.
- For more information about Houston, TX, visit the city’s website!