March 22, 2021
Difference between All-other Perils Deductible and Wind-Hail Deductibles
When you’re a homeowner, the last thing you want to do is skip out on insurance policies that are made to save you money in the event of an accident. That is why Texas Insurance policies, like all other peril and wind/hail, are so important. When you own a home, typically, the policy you have includes three different deductibles.
All-other Perils Deductible and Wind-Hail Deductible
A deductible is an amount you pay in insurance before the insurance plan pays for any services or coverage. Wind and hail are the first deductibles. Hurricane and named storms are a second, and all other perils are the last.
All other perils deductible differs from the other two in that this deductible applies to all other events that are not covered under the first two umbrellas. As a result, this deductible has the most overall impact on your policy.
When you file a claim that does not fall under wind/hail or named hurricane, then most likely, it will fall under the “other-perils” category.
Difference between All-other Perils Deductible and Wind-Hail Deductible
Generally, the wind/hail deductible is the part that you will cover as a result of a storm that incurred strong wind or hail damage. This deductible is the least restrictive and more likely to be enacted by your insurance provider. The percentage of the deductible that you pay will depend on the provider. More than that, it also depends on the overall price of your home and how much damage was inflicted.
Overall, deductibles are meant to lessen the price burden on your end. Your deductible can always be lowered or raised, but doing either does have consequences that you should think of. The right option for you is what’s best for your family too. Moreover, at Texas Insurance Agency we can help you get on the right track. This includes choosing the policy that’s both affordable and right for you.
In any event, if you are confused about coverage or have questions, you can always reach out to our Texas Insurance team during business hours at (713) 224-5500. We are more than happy to help you figure out which way is up. You don’t have to figure this out on your own. Doing so can be costly and time-consuming. Let us help you out today!