
business liability insurance Katy Texas

Did you know that your personal car insurance policy does not cover the vehicle that you drive for your job? Personal auto policies are not for business and vice-versa. Get coverage for a company car with Business liability insurance Katy Texas policy. There are insurance policies written to cover the day-to-day operations that go along with using a vehicle that was meant for work only. It is vital for any policyholder to keep the commercial and personal auto insurance policies separate. The biggest misconception is that one policy will not cover the vehicle for both personal and business uses.

business liability insurance Katy Texas

Commercial Auto Insurance

Do you know if you need Business liability insurance Katy Texas? Here are some reasons why a driver needs commercial auto insurance:

  • You drive your car around for pick-up and messenger services
  • If you lease your automobile for taxi or limousine services
  • If the vehicle has equipment that supports a business
  • Your car provides any type of professional service
  • The car has the registration under a specific company

If the answer was yes to any of the above, you need to make sure that you have Business liability insurance Katy Texas. There are hundreds of insurance carriers that will compete for your business. Because of this, you need to make sure that you understand what kind of coverage you might need for your commercial automobile. If you drive a car as part of your job without Business liability insurance Katy Texas, be aware that you are breaking the law. Within commercial auto insurance, there is a comprehensive protection for small business vehicles. Protection is key to this type of coverage.

  • Damage as a result of a collision
  • Liabilities that result in bodily injury or death
  • Another person’s property was damaged by the commercial vehicle
  • Personal injury is on the policy with Business liability insurance Katy Texas
  • Injury or property damage from uninsured or hit-and-run motorists
  • Damage to the car other than a collision; theft and flood just to name a few

Become a PolicyHolder

Your Business liability insurance Katy Texas will help protect you against financial loss should something happen. A commercial auto insurance policy is a contract between you and the insurance company. As the policyholder, you agree to pay the premium. Texas Insurance Agency Katy Texas provides property, liability, and medical coverage:

  • Property coverage will pay for damage to or theft of your car
  • Liability will pay your legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage
  • Medical coverage pays for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses

business liability insurance Katy Texas

State Requirements

There are certain requirements depending on what state you live in. For example, Texas has a law that states drivers must carry at last liability insurance. The only way a driver can carry liability only insurance is if they no longer have a lienholder on the car. If you are financing a car, there is a minimum amount of insurance that is a requirement in order to receive financing. There are at least six kinds of coverage for Texas drivers to consider. Most policies are either six months or (1) year in length. There will be communication coming from the insurance company when the time comes to renew or make changes.

Avoid Problems by Using Texas Insurance Agents

Are you pondering the need for auto insurance? One main reason to have auto insurance is to protect yourself financially. Accidents and theft cost money to repair or replace. An insurance policy will come in handy should either of these unfortunate situations happen to you. Should you or any of your passengers be hurt as a result of a car accident, medical costs can be costly.

Injury to others by either the driver or the vehicle can result in a civil lawsuit. Most of the time when accident-related civil lawsuits are filed, you might be sued for much more than you are worth. Insurance is a smart financial decision. However, don’t be fooled, many states require drivers to have at least some coverage. There are no shortcuts when it comes to auto insurance coverage. In order to prepare yourself for a discussion with our Business liability insurance Katy Texas agent, consider how to answer the following questions

How much can you afford to pay if you get in an accident?

For low monthly premiums, you might want to consider a higher deductible. You might want to consider paying more for repairs. This will make your monthly payment smaller.

What is the insurance company’s level of service and ability to pay claims?

Every insurance company is different. Because of this, the Texas Insurance Agency in Katy Texas deals with insurance agents from a variety of insurance companies. These various companies have a system in place when it comes to filing a claim, the pay-out of a claim, and closing a claim.

What discounts are available?

You are in luck if your driving record is good. There are rewards for being a good driver, having multiple policies and student discounts.

What’s the procedure for filing and settling a claim?

Furthermore, make certain that you have the contact information of our Business liability insurance Katy Texas claims department handy just in case something happens.

business liability insurance Katy Texas

Contact Us Today

Click here and you will be directed to our website. Consequently, now that you have done that, your second step is to reach out to our professionals. Give us a call so we can set up a time and date to sit down and meet. Our Katy office is 21430 Provincial Blvd Katy Texas 77450. If you would like to meet with Roland or Jeff, feel free to reach out to us (713) 224-5500.  We look forward to meeting you and servicing you, your family and perhaps your small business.

Fun Facts about Katy Texas

  • Hurricanes that hit Katy Alicia, Andrew, Ike, and Harvey
  • Oak trees were brought in for shade purposes
  • Rice fields were at one time a place kids spent to cool off
  • Click here to learn more about Katy Texas

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