October 12, 2023
Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy | Houston, TX
There is no better insurance broker to find you a commercial general liability insurance policy Houston, TX, than Texas Insurance Agency. We have the best brokers in the business to help our clients find either personal or commercial insurance. Our team has years of experience to back it up. We work with general liability insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, business insurance, contractors’ insurance, commercial auto insurance, and more.

Get a great commercial general liability insurance policy Houston, TX with our help.
Protect the Future of Your Business With a Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy Houston, TX
Texas Insurance Agency can recommend the greatest commercial general liability insurance policy to you. A commercial general liability insurance policy is meant to protect businesses from lawsuits that come from accidents or events that can’t be avoided during their daily operations. This kind of insurance protects you from harm to people or damage to their property, as well as advertising and personal injury claims like slander or libel.
Different insurance firms will have differing policy details. At Texas Insurance Agency, we can explain the details of any policy you need. Protection against claims of bodily damage is a crucial part of general liability insurance. This takes care of any liabilities that might come up if a third party gets hurt on your property or because of the actions of the company. It covers the costs of defense, settlements, or damages awarded in a court case.
It is vital to note that this policy does not cover harm to employees’ bodies. That is the job of workers’ compensation insurance. You can also get coverage for claims of property loss under this policy. This aspect of the policy protects a third party if they lose something because of the business or if the company damages property while doing business. This includes harm to the property, loss of use, or destruction of the property.
Personal and advertising injury terms are also part of general liability insurance. This mostly includes claims for libel, defamation, slander, invasion of privacy, copyright violations, and other similar crimes. It specifically covers them if they happen because of ads or other printed materials. The coverage will cover the costs of the court case and any damages that are awarded.
A medical payment option is often part of these policies. This clause covers small claims where medical care is needed after an accident on the covered party’s property or while they are operating. It doesn’t matter who was at fault. This helps companies handle minor issues without having to file a full responsibility claim. It is a good idea to have coverage of this sort. Otherwise, you would be paying expensive bills out of pocket.
However, commercial general liability insurance plans also don’t cover certain things. Most of the time, it doesn’t cover professional mistakes, acts done on purpose, or damage to business property. These policies also don’t cover professional liability. This is a term for problems that happen because of the company’s professional services. If one of the pros at your company makes a mistake, this policy comes in handy.

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The policy’s limits of insurance spell out the most the insurance company will pay out during the policy period. The aggregate limit is the most the policy will pay for all incidents during the policy term. The per-occurrence limit is the most the policy will pay for any one incident. Our team can explain these limits to you before you commit to one policy. You won’t be unprepared for your insurance journey with our help.
Your policy will also have a section about how much the protection will cost. When you defend yourself against a claim or case, your insurance company will pay for your lawyer’s fees, court fees, and other costs. This clause is very crucial because the costs of lawsuits can add up quickly, putting a lot of financial stress on companies. You may even find your finances in dire straits. Insurance can possibly save your business from ruin.
The premiums for these policies are usually based on a lot of things, like the type of business and where it’s located. It will also depend on how many and what kinds of workers it has, its history of claims, and the coverage limits that it chooses. The insurance brokers at Texas Insurance Agency can help business owners think about these things and pick a policy that fits their needs. We can help you make the best choice.
As long as your claim is covered by the policy, your insurance company has to fight and settle it. No matter the verity of your claims, the insurance company has to defend your business. This is true as long as the policy covers the damage claim. The right insurance can help your business survive and thrive. No matter what unique assets you have to boast of, our team can extend your policy to cover and protect them.
Policyholders of business general liability insurance must also follow certain rules. This includes duties like reporting claims quickly, working with the insurance company while the claim is being investigated, and not making payments on your own without the insurance company’s knowledge or permission. We can help keep you informed about the process of getting insurance and making claims.
There is a duty to defend clause in this policy. This means the insurance firm must protect the policyholder against any lawsuits or claims. That is the case even if the claims aren’t true as long as the policy covers them. This part of the policy is what the insurance company has to do to protect the named insured entity. Our brokers can give you more info about this policy and how it works in different situations.

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Texas Insurance Agency is the Leader of Local Insurance Brokers
What are some types of commercial insurance we work with? We work with commercial inland insurance, manufacturers’ insurance, wholesalers’ insurance, and more. Are there many types of personal insurance we can help you with? Yes, we can help you with personal umbrella insurance, life insurance, renters’ insurance, and more.
Give us a call or visit our location today. Texas Insurance Agency is your best resource to find a commercial general liability insurance policy Houston, TX.
Fun Facts About Houston, TX
- Houston has mild winters.
- “Bayou City” is a nickname for Houston.
- There are over 150 active faults in the Houston area.