Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner

If you’ve just hired on a new construction crew, then a worthy investment will include Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner! At Texas Insurance Agency, we truly care about your needs and wants. As a result, we have partnered with over 10 different insurance providers to make sure that you have a variety of options to choose from. No one person is the same, and we take took this into account when we started our business.

As the leading insurance broker in the greater Houston area, we seek to make sure that your needs are met with our plans. Our customers are what keeps us going. Moreover, as regular humans ourselves searching for insurance, we look for affordable prices. So, if we’re looking for this ourselves, why wouldn’t we provide the same thing to our customers.

Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner

If you are in need of Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner, speak with our team today!

There are no strings or gimmicks attached to our business. As a result, we lay everything out on the line for you. We can sit and get to know you and your companies needs. Therefore, we’ll be better able to accommodate you with exactly what you want.

Insurance policies are hard to understand, and the internet is full of confusing jargon. Understandably, it is easy to get sucked into a policy you don’t understand and can’t use. However, with our team at your side, you won’t find this. We break all of our policies down into an easy-to-understand way. So you can always be sure that you’ll have an affordable policy at your feet.

If you would like to understand more about our policies, then give our team a call directly today. We can help you understand how you’re covered with Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner.

What is Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner?

When you’re having a new home built for you, it comes with a lot of attention. However, while some accidents are understandable, many might leave you frustrated with the job. This is why it’s important to keep your home protected from these mishaps.

You might think that your workers have all of the coverage you need; however, this is not true. Therefore, it’s important that you keep yourself and your home as protected as possible.

With new construction projects, anything is possible, and anything can happen. Having an insurance policy on hand helps you make sure you’re protected.

What does builder’s risk cover?

Builder’s coverage will provide adequate protection for your home while workers are doing their thing. Specifically, this plan covers any theft and vandalism of worker tools that are used to build your home. Moreover, this insurance policy is not the same as liability coverage. Meaning that it does not cover any personal belongings that are stolen from the property like purses, TV’s or anything in the home.

Your policy can work for you how you want it to. However, most policies will cover you for 9-12 months to start. This is normally how long construction projects last. But we understand that things happen and deadlines change. Therefore, you can change the policy end date around to fit the projects needs.

Do I need builder’s risk?

Most of the time, you will need this plan in place to keep yourself protected. However, you do not always need to use this policy. You will only need this if you personally own the construction property and your private contractor does not have this policy on hand themselves. In certain cases, your contractor is actually responsible for providing the coverage on their own. on the other hand, some people view this as your responsibility as a homeowner.

To find out how you need to proceed, it is always best to ask your contractor first. More than this, it is even better to ask yourself what the limitations are to the policy. This can include how much the policy covers and the exact policy.

If you do not own the property, there is no need for you to have this type of coverage. There is no sense in protecting your workers or yourself for a company you don’t own.

Do I have to have a homeowners policy to use builders risk?

As with any home project, if the home is a custom design, you will need to have a homeowners policy on hand to use this. Doing so makes sure that you have liability coverage on hand too. If an accident happens at your site, liability coverage can protect you while builder’s insurance can not.

Having both policies on hand will make sure that you are as covered as you can possibly be. Your homeowner’s policy is critical to any construction job site. Your coverage options will vary from insurance provider to provider. As always, it is best to have the right liability insurance on hand. Speak with our insurance agents today to find out the best possible ways to keep yourself protected.

Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner

Our mission is to find you the best insurance policies for your company.

How much will this plan cost?

Overall, the coverage limit of this plan can vary. Usually, it is 1-4% of the construction policy. More than this, it will depend on the cost to build based on the size, materials, and finishes that are used for the project. A more comprehensive job will, of course, require more coverage on your end. So as you can see, the prices will vary.

To learn more about your exact policy, it is best to contact the homeowner directly. More than this, you will need to keep in touch with your provider and us to more accurately understand how you’re covered by Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner policy.

The benefits of having this policy on hand are many. Make sure you keep yourself protected today by utilizing this policy!

Contact us today!

Overall, Texas Insurance prides itself on giving customers the care they deserve. If you want insurance options that cover your renovation project, then speak with our team today. Give us a call now at 281-398-1010 to learn more about our policies. The type of insurance you have on hand does matter.

Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner

Keep your business and employees protected with the right coverage!

Having Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner covers the building and yourself. So, overall it is a great policy to have. If you don’t want to be responsible to pay coverage for damage, then contact our team today. Use Houston TX builders risk insurance for homeowner today!

Houston TX Fun Facts:

  • The Texas Medical Center is the largest in the world.
  • In the late-1830s, Houston was the capital of Texas.
  • Houston has an underground tunnel system.
  • For more information about Houston, TX, visit the city’s website.


Our Partners

We are pleased to partner with these companies to bring you the best coverage at the lowest rates available
